Introduction to The giver

the setting of the giver is in the future on December. there is no real setting. the characters are kind of all over the place. there is a place that nobody goes because it is where all the forgotten people go. where they live they don’t see color and they don’t have feelings. their word is much different then ours. their is not fighting and nobody is sad and they are all assigned to do jobs. they are all assigned to a family.

my characters name is Jonas. he is scared about what job he has to do. when he finds out what his job is the starts seeing the word so much differently. he start to have feelings for someone and he realizes how messed up his world really is.


Bullying is not okay. Many people hurt them self’s or are suicidal because of bullying. Last year a student’s friend was getting bullied and she didn’t know how to stop it. She also didn’t find out it was happening till things got really bad. The student saw her friend crying one day and she didn’t know what was wrong so she asked and her friend told her she was being bullied and had been for a while. Of course the students felt bad so she wanted to do something about it. Madison decided to talk to her friend and find what all the boy was saying to her and try to fix the problem.

Madison found out ever thing and went to the bully and asked why he was bulling her friend. The student said that he didn’t know what Madison was talking about. Madison got mad at the boy because he was acting like he didn’t do anything. Madison left the boy alone for that day to see if it would happen again. The next day Madison’s friend came to her crying. She knew what was wrong without her friend even telling her. Madison went upstairs and found the boy. She asked him why her friend was crying again and  he said he didn’t know. She then looked at the boy and said, “I don’t think this is funny. You are making my friend crying and feel bad about herself and it’s going to stop or I will go the office and tell.” Madison and the boy then went to their classes.

Madison’s friend went to the office herself and told the principal about what was happening and the student didn’t feel any better or safer. The student was still getting bullied by the boy but she didn’t tell anyone. Madison saw that her friend had cuts on her arms. This made Madison very anger so she went to the boys class and told the teacher and the office called his mom. Soon after they found out the boy got suspended. This made Madison’s friend very happy.

Don’t bully people. Don’t make fun of someone ever. You never know what someone is going through with their family. Bullying could cause someone so much pain and you wouldn’t even notice. If you ever see someone getting bullied be the one person that sticks up for them. Be that persons friend because you could save someone’s life by letting someone feel like you care. Be careful what you say to someone.bullin

Cell phone policy (Rough draft)

At Blackhawk middle school students are not allowed to have their phones out from 7:20 till 2:15. students want to know why. They think that they should be able to have their phone out but only if they can use it and not get distracted. Students think that if they do their work then they should be able to be on their phones out. Also sometimes students want to listen to music and do their work but they can’t do that if the teacher don’t let them have their phones out. Students need there phone to do work sometime as well. What if they need to use a app or something for their work.

Why do teacher get to be on their phones but when a teacher sees a student with their phone they take it. Also teacher should not be able to take students phones. If a teacher sees a student’s phone out then they need to tell the student to put their phone away or put it in their locker. Teachers get mad when students try to argue with the teacher because they try to take the students phone and it just makes the situation worst. Parents should not have to come to school to pick up their kids phones. Some parents don’t have time to worry about things like that. So if students are allowed to have their phones out the teacher won’t have to worry about taking it away.

Love Lucas

Dear Mr.Hoering,

The book Madison have been reading is called “Love Lucas” written by Chantele Sedgwick. Basically this story is about a girl named Oakley. She had an older brother who died of cancer and she is having a hard time dealing with it. She start to get very depressed and pushes everyone away including her mom. Oakley and her mom leave Utah and go to California  where she meets the love of her life.

Madison says her least favorite characters name is Dillon. Oakley meets him when she meets Carson which is the boy who she starts to like. Anyways Dillon likes Oakley and tries make multiple moves on her but she doesn’t like him. He is just one of those guys that thinks he can get anyone and he is really stuck up and Madison just doesn’t like him.

Madison hasn’t read any other books in a while but last year she read a book that had a lot of family problems and had to do with love. Madison says she would love to show this book to her friends just because it’s really good and eye opening. The author said a lot of amazing things that Madison loved a lot and she just really like the book.

Last year Madison didn’t like reading at all. She was always really bored and couldn’t stay caucused. Madison doesn’t know if it’s because she didn’t like the book or maybe it had to do with what it was about but she says that she  has never finished a book by herself  in just a few weeks. Madison feels like she has become a better reader and she feels like she read faster than she did last year. Madison was really surprised that she was able to get so into the book and finish it so fast.

Now Mr.Hoering Madison is requesting you to read this amazing book. she knows it’s probably way too easy for you and a little girly but it’s really good and you should read it.



Your truly,

Madison Baker

Starting a new school

The first day of school can be hard on new students. Madison is a new students at Blackhawk Middle School. She is seen as a weird yet outgoing kid with a lot of courage. Madison wants to make new friends but she doesn’t know how to approach them without seeming out of place. However, with Madison being so outgoing, she finds a way to make some great friends within the first week at her new school.


The transition for Madison was rough in the beginning, but she started to feel more at home within the next couple of weeks. As she began to meet new people, she was invited to birthday parties, sleepovers, going to sporting events, and hanging out at the mall.


Although Madison found it difficult to build relationships in the beginning, she learned how to adapted to her new environment and now is having the time of her life.

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